We focus on practice management so you can focus on your patients

Articles by Topic

(* These articles appeared in The Triangle Physician.)


Medical Practice Start-up, Expansion, and Conversion (traditional models, concierge medicine, direct pay, integrative medicine)

Medical Practice Marketing, Website, and Social Media

HIPAA and Other Regulatory Compliance

Information Technology

Financial Management

Human Resources (HR)



What truly sets this book apart from other practice management books for physicians is that it does not stop with having developed a plan. It offers powerful practical and useful strategies for implementing a plan, even in established practices…Whether you are considering starting a new practice or are a part of a large, well-established practice, Medical Practice Management in the 21st Century: The Handbook is an essential tool that will help you practice the medicine for which we have been trained.”

-from “Not Your Usual Practice Management Manual,” NC Medical Board Forum, No. 1, 2007
Read the Review

Mark A. Crissman, MD

Crissman Family Practice, Graham, NC

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